Invisalign treatment replaces conventional braces with transparent trays that are replaced once every 1-2 weeks until your teeth are straight and treatment completed. This fantastic systems can be completed in some instances as quickly as 6-9 months.
The 3 simple stages to get this treatment started are listed below :
This first appointment looks to see what your treatment goals are and your suitability for the treatment. At this appointment we will look at the general health of the mouth and ensure that it is ready for cosmetic treatment. This may include having X-rays and clinical photographs taken. We then go on to discuss the different aspects of Invisalign treatment and answer all your questions.
With all the information, impressions and digital scan taken a personally tailored a ClinCheck® 3D treatment plan will be developed.
ClinCheck® 3D treatment plan
At this stage we will look at your personally tailored digital plan. At this stage we will give you a step by step look at the tooth movement and duration of the treatment among other details related to treatment. We  are also able to make modifications to fine tune the plan to give you the exact outcome you desire. Once the proposed plan approved we can go ahead and manufacture your braces
Invisalign fit
This appointment can vary from 45 min to 90 min, the trays will be fitted and you will be handed your Invisalign trays and Invisalign pack.
Subsequent appointments will be arranged for further reviews.